Frequently Asked Questions

What is your typical process for working with a new client?

Typically, we start with a free consultation to discuss your goals and how my approach can help address these goals. Then the first session involves further discussion, testing for suggestibility (learning style) and acclimation to hypnotherapy. After that, the format usually includes about 45-60 minutes of discussion (including progress, challenges and suggestions, along with dreamwork, if desired) and about 20-30 minutes of hypnotherapy. Some clients opt for shorter sessions and we adapt as necessary.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of profound relaxation in which the mind is more receptive to new ideas and suggestions. In other words, hypnosis is a natural learning state in which preconceived notions are temporarily suspended in order to take in new information.  Each of us unwittingly enters hypnosis several times every day while watching a film or scrolling through media, when awestruck by something of beauty in the world, or a romance, when trying to wrap the mind around new concepts, or even while driving a car.  In hypnotherapy, we use hypnosis to relax the mind and introduce positive, helpful suggestions that are related to your wellness goals.  By entering into a deeper state of consciousness, you are able to relax the body, release worries, calm the mind, access inner resources, and change any unhelpful scripts which seem to be stuck in a playback loop.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy?

Because it Works! By harnessing your own natural ability to learn, along with the power of the unconscious, hypnotherapy is often quick and effective in resolving blocks, helping you focus on what is important for your well-being, and aligning you, energetically, with meaningful goals. With hypnotherapy, you can replace limiting behaviors or expectations with productive new habits and an attitude that promotes growth and success. Hypnotherapy helps you focus, direct and maximize your own wellspring of inner strength. It’s an effective, relaxing and drug-free way to makes changes in your life.

 Can I be hypnotized?

Yes. Everyone can be hypnotized.

 What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is a natural state. By purposely choosing to enter hypnosis for 5-25 minutes, you experience profound physical and mental relaxation and then return to an alert state feeling refreshed and revitalized. In hypnosis, you are not asleep. In fact, most people report an energizing experience and clarity of focus. While experiences vary slightly depending on personal learning style and/or mood of the day, the end result each time is an improved sense of wellbeing.

 Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

It is not possible to remain stuck in hypnosis. All trances end, whether ended by the Hypnotherapist, ended by you, or ended naturally, simply because the body is ready to shift the state of consciousness.

While in hypnosis, can I be compelled to do or say things I don’t want to do or say?

You will never be asked (and can never be asked) to do or say anything under hypnosis that is in conflict with your personal, ethical standards and/or desires. In fact, your own natural protection (your ego) remains aware of everything that is happening so that you easily reject anything that, for any reason, is misaligned with your purpose. As your Hypnotherapist, my role is to assist you in achieving your therapeutic goals. I am acting as a guide and facilitator, while you remain in control.

What education and/or training do you have?

I have a B.A. in Psychology, and both an M.A. and Ph.D. in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology. My doctoral research looked into the elements involved in personal growth (that which psychologist C.G. Jung called “individuation” and James Hillman called “Soul-making). In addition, I have a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy from Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI), the first accredited college for Hypnotherapy, with the most comprehensive hypnotherapy education and residency program in the United States. I’m a member of Hypnotherapists Union Local 472 and the American Hypnosis Association, where I am regularly involved in continuing education.

How did you become a Jungian Hypnotherapist?

As is often the case with the best things in life, I became a “Jungian” and a “Hypnotherapist” through trial and error, hard work, and a series of happy accidents.

My first exposure to hypnotherapy happened around age three. My father took an interest in hypnosis during medical school. Afterward, while working as the Barking Sands, Kauai Naval Base Doctor, he started a brief practice from our home, offering hypnotherapy for patients who wanted to quit smoking or lose weight. Being so young, I quickly forgot all knowledge of his dabble with hypnosis, and my life took many twists and turns.  

My entrée into Jungian theory and methodology began one summer between my undergraduate psychology classes. My mother and I, both avid readers, discovered the book,
Goddesses in Every Woman, by Jungian Psychologist, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and we were both moved by it. From that point onward, we continued to share an interest in Jungian theory and discussed the ideas at length. After graduating Penn State and then working and travelling in Europe for 4 years, I attended the “Jungian Summer Seminar in Switzerland,” with numerous presentations by Jungian analysts and authors. Analyzing dreams and learning to interpret mythology as a cultural dream language, helped me to understand that the theory of C.G.  Jung truly embraces the original meaning of the word “psychology”: the study of the soul.

I wholeheartedly accepted my individuation journey as a heroic soul journey, and pursued a career in travel where I could help guide others through transformative experiences like the ones I encountered in Europe. I soon understood that the calling to become a guide was not only as a guide of the external world, but also of the internal world of psyche. Returning to graduate school in 2007 helped fulfill a hunger for learning more about depth psychology and culture. The long marathon of study was, however, taxing to the mind, body and spirit—as well as the wallet, and, upon completion of both a masters and doctorate degree, more than 7 years later, I found myself burnt out, lovelorn, broke and uncertain how to proceed with my career aspirations. It was around this time that I was re-introduced to hypnotherapy, having long forgotten my father’s interest in it more than 25 years prior. Through my own practice of recording dreams, Active Imagination (a Jungian technique) and hypnotherapy, I was able to fully recover and reorient myself towards my calling. Attending Hypnosis Motivation Institute was the final piece in the puzzle. Watching the transformation happening for my clients, starting in my residency there, has been incredibly rewarding.